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5:17 AM
Hello there, dear readers. Yes once again, I am going to tell you of another of the misadventures in my flat involving fire alarms. Only this time, there was a real fire..... not just some burnt cooking. No no, the fire is small and controlled, not like those situation where the whole building catches on fire. So anyway, here I was doing... stuff... when once again the fire alarm rang, piercing the silence and shocking me to no end. And once again, I was annoyed at the number of fire alarms we have to go through recently. So, in my lack of foresight, I didn't change my shorts I usually wear in my room and just went out the building. Who knows that I would be standing outside for about half an hour, freezing my ass off at 5 degrees in the night and cold wind nipping at my bare feet. I was practically cursing my decision of not putting on some warmer pair of pants.
Before I stepped out of my room though, I did smell some smoke from the outside but like I said, I thought someone just left their food in the oven for too long or something. When I got out, I discovered they dragged out a smoldering and black pile of what I think was an electric blanket. From what I heard, the blanket caught on fire (probably due to some faulty wiring) and someone dragged it out of the room and threw it down the stairwell. There were ashes everywhere on the stairwell and there was quite a lot of smoke. I don't really see the wisdom of throwing a burning bedding down three flights of stairs but eh....
Anyway, soon after three fire trucks came along with their sirens blaring. All the firemen on board jumped out of the trucks, fully equipped from head to toe. Quite a sight to see.... so all the students immediately whipped out their handphones and took a picture XD Too bad I left my camera and phone in my room though :( It turned out that the occupant of the room wasn't even in when the fire started... so up till now, I still don't know who dragged it out of the room and threw burning items down the stairwell. Poor girl... she just wanted to keep warm and it almost cost her dear. Ah well, that convinced me not to buy an electric blanket... who knows that it might catch on fire when I'm sleeping *touch wood*
Well, that's it really. It was a bloody cold night and I almost lost all sensation in my legs after I finally got back to my room. But then again, I got a little hyped that there was a real fire this time... complete with fire trucks. (Oh, how bad of me to be happy at other people's misfortunes!) Tonight is going to be a cold night, heard it's going to reach -1 degrees. So, I better keep myself warm... Till, the next time then...
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